Reference: USBTORS232RS485TTL
Brand: waveshare
Waveshare Industrial USB TO RS485 Bidirectional Converter
Waveshare Industrial USB TO RS485 Bidirectional Converter, Onboard original CH343G, Multi-Protection Circuits
LCD1602 The 1602 LCD Keypad Shield is an affordable and easy way to add a simple 16 x 2 LCD screen and 5 button menu to your Arduino projects. The LCD Display uses the Liquid Crystal library that comes standard with the Arduino IDE
1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield
The 1602 LCD Keypad Shield is an affordable and easy way to add a simple 16 x 2 LCD screen and 5 button menu to your Arduino projects. The LCD Display uses the LiquidCrystal library that comes standard with the Arduino IDE. The library examples work with the following change in the initialization: LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7. The 5 navigation buttons use a resistor ladder to connect to analog pin 0. Just use the analogRead(); command to read in the different values.
Reference: USBTORS232RS485TTL
Brand: waveshare
Waveshare Industrial USB TO RS485 Bidirectional Converter, Onboard original CH343G, Multi-Protection Circuits
Brand: DFRobot
DFRobot Beginner Kit for Arduino
Reference: ARDRELAY8CH
Brand: Hytronic
8 Channel Relay board
Brand: Hytronic
Avoidance tracking Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit Speed Encoder Battery Box 2WD Ultrasonic module For Arduino kit
Brand: Hytronic
HC-SR505 Mini Infrared PIR Motion Sensor