Reference: ARDRELAY2CH
Brand: Hytronic
Relay Module 2 Channel 5V
2 Channel Relay Module board With opto coupler - 5V
Arduino Compatible Ethernet Shield W5100 board
The Ethernet Shield W5100 is a modular Arduino Compatible expansion Shield, and is capable of providing Arduino projects with internet capabilities via a standard RJ-45 Ethernet jack. Being modular in design, it can plug directly onto the top of Arduino Boards, and can also have other modules stacked on top of it – ensuring there’s no waste or space inefficiencies when Prototyping new internet-capable devices or machines.
This Shield utilizes the Wiznet W5100 which is capable of both UDP and TCP IP connections, and allows for up to 4 simultaneous socket connections. This, coupled with an on-board Micro SD card slot to store, pass and share data, can allow this Shield to act as an online server – capable of connecting with up to four different machines and devices to integrate them into a single internet-based system, which all work together and share necessary information with each other.
Reference: ARDRELAY2CH
Brand: Hytronic
2 Channel Relay Module board With opto coupler - 5V
Brand: Hytronic
Micro SD Card socket mounted on Board
Brand: Hytronic
2WD Robot Car Chassis Kit, Perfect for building your own robot car, smart bot and RC Car
Reference: ARDMEGAR3
Brand: Hytronic
Mega 2560 R3 Board Compatible with Arduino